Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Amazon aStore Is A Quick Way To Increase Revenues

Amazon likes to make money, and one way to make money is to get people to make them money from linking. We all know about their affiliate program where you put their banners and links on our websites. However, now they have gone a step further. They have created the aStore, which is a customizable e-commerce store that affilliates can create and modify containing virtually everything on their site. It is very simple and quick to set up a site and should have the potential of generating additional income streams. This is especially true for smaller blogs websites that do not have the resources to do so.

You can see the site I set up here for my sister site for products relating to Diabetes:

I know that this is only the first generation of aStores to come, but some of the things I would like to see in the future is the ability of placing links back to your website and the ability to further customize and choose the catagories, sub-catagories and even products for the store. In addition, I would like the ability to create more than one store. I chose to do one for Diabetes, since there is not much in the way of revenue opportunites yet, but if I had a second store, it would be tied-in with

On another note, yes, it has been a while since writing, and hopefully I will not wait as long until the next time . . . .
