Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Maxim's 100 Hottest Women List

If you have a celebrity website, Maxim's list of the hottest 100 women should be of interest to you. Basically, you should check their list and make sure that you have all of these women on your site. Regardless of whether you think that they are sexy or not, these are the women you need to include.

I was dissapointed with Maxim's list of the 100 hottest women. I mean, Lindsay Lohan came in #1? She's cute and could be pretty foxy at times, but she does not have most of the curves and moves to even be in the top 50. To me, hot is hot. Another one that does not belong there is Cameron Diaz - there are times when she is absolutely beautiful, but does not exactly make it in the body department. Maybe they do not understand what hot or sexy means. Jessica Alba is up there and deservingly so -- she's got the look, got the bod and if you ever saw her dance, she's got the moves.

Most of these women are "popular" which is great, but this is not a popularity poll. It seems like the major corporate players for movies & music got together to create this list -- it plays very well well for them, but is just not reality. The dissapointing thing is that Maxim has all kinds of real hotties on their pages - not just the popular celebrities and should know the difference. has a more realistic list.

The important thing is, use this list of women to include on your site.

Until next time . . .
Ian Ripley