Thursday, June 01, 2006

Celebrity News

A New Concept: Celebrity News by Real People

People love to read news about their favorite celebrities - so having celebrity news on your website is a good thing to have. We have been placing a lot of information about many celebrities on since we have begun. On each page, we have a feed from to provide the latest up-to-date news on that particular celebrity. However, we have also decided to do something new, we have decided to add a celebrity news section with original articles about celebrities. The catch, and what makes this different from most other sites, is that we are asking the average fan out there to provide the content (kind of like a Wiki-news). The ads seeking submissions have been up for about a week so far on our site, with a number of responses. However, no real articles have come up so far. With about 150,0oo unique users each week, you think that more people would submit something - but I guess most want to get the information, not write it.

So, this blog is in a way an advertisement for submissions. The great part about the way we are doing this is that those that submit the articles can make money through Google Adsense - so they will not be writing for free. The submission guidelines can be found at As an added incentive, if you have any news about any celebrity or entertainment event, let us know. If you post enough articles, we will even give you your own author page.

If you want news and do not want to go through the hassle of anything like this, you can also go to and set up a feed yourself. They have thousands of topics and all you need to do is place their code onto your site. If you have the time, you can also do your own research and write the news stories yourself every day.

News, because it is constantly changing brings people to your site and if you have good material, will continuously bring them back time and time again.

Until next time . . . .


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