Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Are celebrity nipple slips good for the Internet?

A strange question? Not really. We humans are curious people. We are also yentas and voyeurs. I think that the Internet would be successful in business even if it were not for celebrities, but the fact that people want to know more about what is behind the celluloid exteriors of their favorite stars is what has really driven the web to its current height of success. This is not a new phenomenon - VCRs would have never made it big if it were not for the porn industry. But where you had to pay for a movie of a porn star on the Internet you may be able to find a picture (or even a video) of your favorite celebrity for free (or for a small monthly fee). For instance when Tara Reid, Britney Spears, Lindsay Lohan and a number of other famous celebrities had public nipple slips, it was up on the net and shown around the globe in hours. Even if you want to see some of your favorite celebs having sex (Paris Hilton and others) -- there are websites out there that will show you it as well. [Note: the links are to my website, -- which does not contain links to nude photos or sex videos -- to find those just enter a search into your favorite search engine with the name of the celebrity and what you are looking for, such as "sex video" and you will find thousands of sites that are more than willing to show you what you are looking for.] What, you do not care about all of this sex stuff? That's cool. Then you are probably into the latest news and rumors about your favorite star. Then you probably want to know the answers to one of the following questions: Who are they dating? Who did they just break up with? Are they pregnant? Why did they hit that cop while in a drunken rage? Are they really anorexic? Did they really say or do that? -- etc. Yes you all want to know this and much more --- and I am just as guilty as the rest of you. I am going to try to approach this blog with the intent of relating the celebrity and their relationship to the Internet and to you, the Internet user (for now on - celeb surfers). I'll try to be as consistent as possible and as up-to-date as possible - however, believe it or not, I do have a life, a family, websites (e.g., and a real "daytime" job. Welcome celeb surfers to this new blog and hope to see you around again. Ian Ripley

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